If you're looking for a place to stay on a budget, consider Pensiunea Giovani, an affordable apartment at 39C$ per night.
- Price: low to high
- Price: high to low
- Guest rating: high to low
- Popularity: high to low
FAQs about hotels in Targu Jiu
We hope that the answers to these questions will help you plan your trip
What are the top hotels in Targu Jiu with a central location?
Our iBooked.ca travel data based on 257 guests' reviews show the top places in Targu Jiu city centre. One of the best hotels in Targu Jiu city centre is Hotel Gorj rated 8.4/10 from 43C$ per night. Other options to stay in are Ymy Hotels Casa Ris. To check more central hotels click here.
Which budget hotels in Targu Jiu are the best?
There are more than 6 top budget properties in Targu Jiu. One of the best budget hotels is Pensiunea Giovani rated 8.0/10 at the cost of 53C$ per night, offering an outdoor swimming pool, a picnic area, shuttle service. Also Pensiunea Groza is a good choice with rating 9.0/10 at the cost of 45C$ per night. Click here to see more budget hotels.
What are the finest boutique hotels in Targu Jiu?
Offering cots, free parking, a free private carpark on site, Cochet Boutique with rating 8.6/10 for 76C$ per night is the most recommended option by iBooked.ca guests. Another popular 3-star stylish accommodation is Hotel Goya Boutique rated 9.0/10 with an outdoor swimming pool, a plunge pool, a wading pool on site. To see more modern hotels go here.
What are the top Targu Jiu hotels for couples?
According to iBooked.ca travel data, there are 19 deals for couples. Casa Cartianu rated 8.4/10 is a favourite 4-star hotel for couples, featuring an outdoor swimming pool, a picnic area, a plunge pool. Guests can book a room at this property for about 60C$ per night. Other top options are Hotel Europa, Motel Davios, Ymy Hotels. For more romantic deals go here.
Which hotels in Targu Jiu are good for families?
For those searching for a family accommodation, iBooked.ca offers 9 deals to choose from. Casa Cartianu (rating: 8.4/10): a family-hotel with an outdoor swimming pool, a picnic area, a plunge pool for 60C$ per night. You also can book Renato House (rating: 8.2/10) for about 67C$ per night. This child-friendly property offers complimentary private parking, a free car park, bar on site. For more family deals click here.
Which Targu Jiu hotels not far from The Endless Column are the best?
According to iBooked.ca travel data, guests love staying at Cochet Boutique (rating: 8.6/10), which offers cots, a free carpark, a free private carpark. It’s set a 5-minute walk from The Endless Column. For more deals go here.
What are the top places to stay in Targu Jiu with outdoor pools?
According to 85 reviews, there are 6 hotels featuring outdoor pools in Targu Jiu. You may also like Hotel Anna rated 8.4/10. This property will cost you 69C$ per night.
What Targu Jiu hotels allow pets?
If you want to stay in Targu Jiu with pets, iBooked.ca offers 4 deals to choose from. You can book Pensiunea Antique (rating: 8.6/10) at the cost of 79C$ per night. It's set 5 minutes` walk from The Gate Of The Kiss and features cots, complimentary parking, complimentary private parking. Another most recommended Targu Jiu place to stay with pets is Casa Cartianu with an outdoor swimming pool, a picnic area, a plunge pool. It offers rooms for 60C$ per night. See more pet-friendly hotels here.
Which hotels are the best ones to stay at in Targu Jiu?
You may book Hotel Goya Boutique rated 9.0/10 with an outdoor swimming pool, a plunge pool, a wading pool. It costs 69C$ per night. Alternatively, you may like Renato House with a free private carpark, free parking, bar. It costs 67C$ per night.
Which spa hotels in Targu Jiu are the best?
We recommend Hotel Gorj (rating: 8.4/10) for 43C$ per night. It's located a 15-minute walk from Ecaterina Teodoroiu Mausoleum and provides a treatment room, a facial room, housekeeping. As an alternative, book Ymy Hotels (rating: 8.4/10), which costs 86C$ per night and offers a tennis court, an indoor swimming pool, a plunge pool.
What is the average cost of a hotel room in Targu Jiu?
According to iBooked.ca travel data, the average prices for Targu Jiu properties are:
A 4-star hotel room costs 60C$ per night. You may book Casa Cartianu with an outdoor swimming pool, a picnic area, a plunge pool.
How much is a hotel in Targu Jiu for tonight?
According to iBooked.ca travel data, the average Targu Jiu prices for tonight are:
Pensiunea Casa Vera (rating: 8.4/10) may cost you about 37C$ per night.
What's the top hotel for a beach holiday in Targu Jiu?
Alternatively, book Pensiunea Casa Hortopan rated 8.0/10, a nice property set 350 metres from the beach. It costs 55C$ per night and provides a picnic area, an indoor swimming pool, a plunge pool.
Which Targu Jiu resorts are the best?
Alternatively, Pensiunea Casa Vera is rated as one of the best resorts in Targu Jiu, offering free private parking, free parking, housekeeping service. It costs 60C$ per night.
What are the most favoured properties not far from The Gate Of The Kiss?
On iBooked.ca you will find 9 great accommodations not far from The Gate Of The Kiss in Targu Jiu. We recommend Hotel Rais rated 8.6/10, a perfect hotel set 10 minutes' walk from The Gate Of The Kiss. It costs 37C$ per night and offers a Jacuzzi, complimentary parking, a sunbathing terrace. Also, you may like Hotel Palace rated 8.0/10 with children's menu, free parking, a sunbathing terrace. It costs 60C$ per night. Other cool options include Casa Cattleya Motel Davios. Or click here to see other good hotels.
Where to stay in Targu Jiu?
🏨 Hotels in Targu Jiu | 56 |
👛 Lowest price | 29 CAD |
✍️ Hotels Reviews | 685 |