Travellers looking for budget hotels in Sankt Peter can opt to stay at Haus Maria Lindenberg, which has room rates from 95C$ per night. Pusteblume apartment is an affordable choice that will put you within a 5-minute walk of the centre. Haus Maria Lindenberg is a good budget-friendly hotel, less than 16 km from The Little Folk's Trail.
- Price: low to high
- Price: high to low
- Guest rating: high to low
- Popularity: high to low
FAQs about hotels in Sankt Peter
We hope that the answers to these questions will help you plan your trip
What are the finest hotels in Sankt Peter city centre?
There are 3 hotels and other accommodations in Sankt Peter city centre to choose from. One of the best hotels in Sankt Peter city centre is Hotel Gasthof Jagerhaus rated 8.4/10 from 150C$ per night. Hotel Hirschen with rating 8.4/10 and Hotel Restaurant Zur Sonne St. Peter rated 8.4/10 are other favourite hotels in the area. To see more central hotels click here.
What are the most popular cheap hotels in Sankt Peter?
One of the best budget hotels is Haus Maria Lindenberg rated 8.4/10 at the cost of 90C$ per night, offering hiking, cycling, and a photocopier. To see more cheap hotels go here.
What are the top Sankt Peter hotels for couples?
According to travel data, there are 4 deals for couples. Other suitable options for couples you can find here.
What are the best accommodations with easy access to Wallfahrtskirche Maria Lindenberg?
You can stay at Hotel Gasthof Jagerhaus rated 8.4/10, a 3-star hotel, set a 15-minute walk from Wallfahrtskirche Maria Lindenberg. It offers a gaming room, hiking, and bowling on site. For more deals go here.
What are the top pet-friendly hotels in Sankt Peter?
Consider booking Hotel Hirschen with rating 8.4/10, which is set 0.2 km from Ehemaliges Benedikterkloster. It offers rooms at the cost of 150C$ per night. Alternatively, book Hotel Restaurant Zur Sonne St. Peter (rating: 8.4/10) with snow skiing, a gaming room, and hiking. It's set 150 meters from the city centre and costs 151C$ per night. See more pet-friendly accommodations here.
Which Sankt Peter hotels are the best to stay at?
You may book Hotel Gasthof Jagerhaus rated 8.4/10 with an outdoor swimming pool, hiking, and bowling. It costs 253C$ per night. Alternatively, you may like Hotel Hirschen with a Jacuzzi, snow skiing, and hiking. It costs 150C$ per night.
Which spa hotels in Sankt Peter would you recommend?
You may book Hotel Restaurant Zur Sonne St. Peter (rating: 8.4/10), a nice 4-star hotel featuring snow skiing, a gaming room, and hiking. It's located 0.1 km from Rathaus St. Peter. As an alternative, book Hotel Hirschen (rating: 8.4/10), which costs 150C$ per night and offers a Jacuzzi, snow skiing, and hiking.
How much is an average Sankt Peter hotel price?
Of course, the prices change in Sankt Peter depending on the season, but on average:
A 4-star hotel room costs 151C$ per night. You may book Hotel Restaurant Zur Sonne St. Peter with snow skiing, a gaming room, and hiking.
How much does it cost to stay in a hotel in Sankt Peter for tonight?
According to travel data, the average Sankt Peter prices for tonight are:
A nice hotel like Hotel Hirschen (rating: 8.4/10) costs about 90C$ per night.
Which Sankt Peter resorts are the best?
We recommend Hotel Restaurant Zur Sonne St. Peter (rating: 8.4/10) for 151C$ per night. It's located 5 minutes' walk from Barockkirche St. Peter and provides an indoor swimming pool, a gaming room, and hiking on site. Alternatively, Hotel Hirschen is rated as one of the best resorts in Sankt Peter, offering a Jacuzzi, snow skiing, and hiking. It costs 150C$ per night.
What are the best accommodations near Badweiher?
On you will find 3 great accommodations near Badweiher in Sankt Peter. We recommend Hotel Hirschen rated 8.4/10, a perfect hotel set 10 minutes' walk from Badweiher. It costs 150C$ per night and offers a Jacuzzi, snow skiing, and hiking. Also, you may like Hotel Restaurant Zur Sonne St. Peter rated 8.4/10 with an indoor swimming pool, a gaming room, and hiking. It costs 151C$ per night.
Where to stay in Sankt Peter?
🏨 Hotels in Sankt Peter | 5 |
👛 Lowest price | 95 CAD |
✍️ Hotels Reviews | 531 |