You should consider staying in Azureva Bussang, which is around 2.7 km away from this landmark. Enjoy your stay at Azureva Bussang in Bussang city centre if you're on a modest budget. offers 3 great accommodations near Ventron Ski School that are sure to match your budget.
- Price: low to high
- Price: high to low
- Guest rating: high to low
- Popularity: high to low
FAQs about hotels in Bussang
We hope that the answers to these questions will help you plan your trip
Which hotels in Bussang have a central location?
There are 3 hotels and other accommodations in Bussang city centre to choose from. Auberge Alsacienne rated 8.2/10 is the best hotel with a free car park, a free private carpark, bar, located 10 minutes' walk from the city centre. To see more central hotels click here.
What are the top cheap hotels in Bussang?
There are more than 3 top budget properties in Bussang. The best budget hotel is Azureva Bussang with rating 8.6/10, which costs from 107C$ per night and offers an indoor swimming pool, water slides, cots. Another option is Auberge Alsacienne rated 8.2/10 for 107C$ per night. To see more cheap hotels go here.
What are the best romantic hotels in Bussang?
According to travel data, there are 3 deals for couples. Azureva Bussang rated 8.6/10 is a favourite 3-star hotel for couples, featuring water slides, a steam room, a Jacuzzi. Travellers can book a room at this property for about 191C$ per night. For more romantic deals go here.
What are the top family-friendly Bussang properties?
Les Sapins (rating: 8.4/10): a family-hotel with a picnic area, a free carpark, complimentary private parking for 84C$ per night. Go here to see more family-friendly hotels.
Which Bussang hotels not far from Theatre du Peuple are the best?
There are 3 deals to choose from. Select a hotel not far from Theatre du Peuple, such as Auberge Alsacienne, situated a 15-minute walk away. Featuring complimentary parking, complimentary private parking, bar, this property offers rooms from 107C$ per night. For more deals go here.
What Bussang hotels allow pets?
If you want to stay in Bussang with pets, offers 4 deals to choose from. Alternatively, book Auberge Alsacienne (rating: 8.2/10) with free parking, a free private carpark, bar. It's set 1000 meters from the city centre and costs 107C$ per night. For more pet-friendly deals go here.
Which Bussang hotels are the best to stay at?
You may like Auberge Alsacienne rated 8.2/10 featuring free parking, free private parking, bar. It costs 107C$ per night. Alternatively, you may like Azureva Bussang with an indoor swimming pool, water slides, cots. It costs 191C$ per night.
What are the most favoured spa hotels in Bussang?
You may book Azureva Bussang, a nice spa hotel featuring water slides, a steam room, a Jacuzzi. It costs 191C$ per night.
How much does it cost to stay in a hotel in Bussang for tonight?
According to travel data, the average prices for tonight in Bussang are: For a perfect hotel like Auberge Alsacienne (rating: 8.2/10) you may pay about 107C$ per night.
What are the best resorts in Bussang?
Alternatively, Auberge Alsacienne is rated as one of the best resorts in Bussang, offering a free car park, a free private car park, bar. It costs 107C$ per night.
What are the best accommodations not far from Bussang?
Another perfect accommodation is Azureva Bussang rated 8.6/10 at the cost of 191C$ per night. It features an indoor swimming pool, water slides, cots.
Where to stay in Bussang?
🏨 Hotels in Bussang | 6 |
👛 Lowest price | 82 CAD |
✍️ Hotels Reviews | 357 |