6.3 km from Ostional Wildlife Refuge6.3 km from City Centre
While staying at the Gilded Iguana you are invited to discover SIBU Wildlife Sanctuary, set 10 minutes' drive away, or Nosara Beach, which is nearly 10 minutes' walk away.
5.9 km from Ostional Wildlife Refuge5.9 km from City Centre
While staying at the Beach you are invited to discover MAEL's ABSTRACT ART GALLERY, set nearly 10 minutes' drive away, or Nosara Refuge for Wildlife, which is approximately 3.3 km away.
6.2 km from Ostional Wildlife Refuge6.2 km from City Centre
Staying at the Norte Nosara - Steps To Playa Guiones means you will be approximately a 12-minute walk from Nosara Beach, while enjoying a swimming pool onsite.
4.8 km from Ostional Wildlife Refuge4.8 km from City Centre
FromC$ 205
FAQs about hotels in Ostional Wildlife Refuge
We hope that the answers to these questions will help you plan your trip
What are the top properties for couples in Ostional Wildlife Refuge?
According to iBooked.ca travel data, there are 3 deals for couples. Boutique Hotel Luna Azul rated 8.2/10 is a favourite 4-star hotel for couples, featuring an outdoor swimming pool, cots, and complimentary private parking. Customers can book a room at this property for about 334C$ per night. Other suitable options for couples you can find here.
Which Ostional Wildlife Refuge hotels are the best to stay at?
For instance, book Boutique Hotel Luna Azul rated 8.2/10 for 334C$ per night. It's set 3.2 km from Playa del Ostional and provides an outdoor swimming pool, cots, and a free car park.
How much do hotels in Ostional Wildlife Refuge cost?
According to iBooked.ca travel data, the average prices for Ostional Wildlife Refuge hotels are: A 4-star hotel room costs 334C$ per night. You may book Boutique Hotel Luna Azul with an outdoor swimming pool, cots, and a free carpark.
Ostional Wildlife Refuge hotels essential information
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