8.3 km from City Centre1.4 km from Libertador General Jose de San Martin (PSS)
The "San Bernardo" Hermosa Y Amplia Casa Con Pileta is located 5 km from Libertador General Jose de San Martin airport and 15 minutes' walk from Los Jilgueros y Los Lirios bus stop.
5.4 km from City Centre2.1 km from Libertador General Jose de San Martin (PSS)
The Departamento Proximo A La Costanera Y Al Aeropuert Posadas is located 10 km from Libertador General Jose de San Martin airport and 5 minutes' stroll from Chacabuco y 149 bus stop.
FAQs about hotels near Libertador General Jose de San Martin
We created these 5 answers to questions about hotels around Libertador General Jose de San Martin to make your planning easier.
What are the best budget hotels to book close to Libertador General Jose de San Martin airport?
According to clients' rating above 3.5/5, the best budget accommodation near Libertador General Jose de San Martin airport is Hotel Colon, which offers cycling and fishing, and features Kabalah Resto & Pub restaurant nearby.
What are the top hotels close to Libertador General Jose de San Martin airport with free parking?
Providing free onsite parking along with Flynn Irish Bar restaurant, Avemar Apart Hotel is the top option located 9 km from Libertador General Jose de San Martin airport.
What are the top 3-star hotels close to Libertador General Jose de San Martin airport?
To stay near Libertador General Jose de San Martin airport, consider booking a room at the 3-star Hotel Canciller as it's within 8 km away.
What are the best hotels to stay with pets around Libertador General Jose de San Martin airport?
If you want to stay near Libertador General Jose de San Martin airport with pets, book Hotel Posta Norte for about 56C$ per night, and enjoy complimentary parking and a free private carpark on site.
What are the best luxury hotels to rent next to Libertador General Jose de San Martin airport?
If you're searching for a luxury stay near Libertador General Jose de San Martin airport, check Maitei Posadas with an outdoor swimming pool, a casino and lawn tennis and rated 4.2/5.
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