Zebediela (South Africa): Weather and hotels
- Temperature:
Feels Like:+20°
Friday27DecemberPartly SunnyHigh:+29°Low:+20°
7-day weather forecast for Zebediela
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Need a truthful weather forecast for today in Zebediela?
Maximum daytime temperature will be +27ºC and the minimum +19ºC.
During the day, the wind will come from the southwest at 6.67 km/h.
The atmospheric pressure is forecasted to be 1014 hPa with 51% of humidity, and 52% of cloudiness.
We anticipate wet weather with moderate rain followed by 6.82 mm of precipitation.
So don't leave your umbrella at home.
Interested in a truthful weather in Zebediela for tomorrow?
Maximum temperature tomorrow near +29ºC and minimum temperature near +18ºC.
Average humidity 51%. Average winds will be south-southwest at 4.72 km/h.
It’s followed by 1012 hPa of atmospheric pressure and 98% cloud coverage.
Looking for a truthful weather prediction in Zebediela for this weekend?
The minimum temperature on Saturday will be +20ºC and the highest temperature will be near +27ºC.
Average humidity 51%. Average winds will be south at 4.72 km/h.
1011 hPa of atmospheric pressure and 90% cloud coverage.
Looking for a place to stay in Moletlane?
Looking for a place to stay? See our top-rated Moletlane hotels to fit your budget.