Weather forecast and accommodation in Thurso, United Kingdom
- Temperature:
High: +10°Low: +5°
Mostly Cloudy
Feels Like:+9°
Thursday27FebruaryRain and Snow MixedHigh:+7°Low:+3°
Friday28FebruaryPartly SunnyHigh:+7°Low:+2°
7-day weather forecast for Thurso provides a truthful weather forecast for the next week in any city worldwide.
Need a truthful weather forecast for today in Thurso?
Temperatures will reach a high near +10ºC and will dip through the evening to +5ºC.
Winds will persist through the day from the southwest at 8.89 km/h.
It's forecasted 70% of humidity, followed by 999 hPa of atmospheric pressure and 22% of cloudiness.
Interested in a truthful weather in Thurso for tomorrow?
Maximum daytime temperature for February 23: +10ºC and minimum nighttime temperature: +5ºC.
It’s forecasted 70% of humidity, followed with south winds.
The atmospheric pressure will be 994 hPa and 100% of cloudiness.
Looking for a place to stay in Thurso?
Forss House and Pentland Hotel are the most recommended by guests. More hotels in Thurso. Feel free to check apartments, cottages or bed & breakfasts.