Hendrik Verwoerddam (South Africa): Weather forecast and hotel booking for a week
- Temperature:
High: +35°Low: +15°
Mostly Cloudy
Feels Like:+34°
Monday23DecemberMostly CloudyHigh:+33°Low:+15°
7-day weather forecast for Hendrik Verwoerddam
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Interested in the weather in Hendrik Verwoerddam for today?
Both day and night temperatures will be at about +35ºC and +15ºC.
Wind is expected to be from the west-southwest at 11.94 km/h for much of the day.
The atmospheric pressure is forecasted to be 1010 hPa with 12% of humidity, and 23% of cloudiness.
What is a short weather forecast for tomorrow in Hendrik Verwoerddam?
Maximum daytime temperature for December 22: +34ºC and minimum nighttime temperature: +16ºC.
Northwest winds at 10.28 km/h. Tomorrow’s average humidity is 12%.
The atmospheric pressure will be 1007 hPa and 0% of cloudiness.
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