Weather forecast and accommodation in Gurgaon, India
- Temperature:
Feels Like:+18°
Thursday02JanuaryPartly SunnyHigh:+23°Low:+14°
Friday03JanuaryPartly SunnyHigh:+24°Low:+16°
Saturday04JanuaryMostly CloudyHigh:+26°Low:+15°
7-day weather forecast for Gurgaon gives an up-to-date weather forecast in any city in the world.
Interested in the weather in Gurgaon for today?
Maximum daytime temperature will be +20ºC and the minimum +11ºC.
Wind is expected to be from the west-northwest at 3.89 km/h for much of the day.
Other weather conditions will include 53% of humidity, 0% of cloudiness and atmospheric pressure near 1021 hPa.
What is an up-to-date weather forecast for tomorrow in Gurgaon?
The minimum temperature for December 30: +13ºC and the highest temperature: +21ºC.
West-northwest winds at 3.61 km/h. Tomorrow’s average humidity is 53%.
The atmospheric pressure will be 1020 hPa and 0% of cloudiness.
Looking for an up-to-date weather forecast in Gurgaon for this weekend?
Saturday’s maximum daytime temperature: +26ºC and minimum nighttime temperature: +15ºC.
West-northwest winds at 2.50 km/h. Today’s average humidity is 53%.
The atmospheric pressure will be 1016 hPa and 20% of cloudiness.
Looking for a place to stay in Gurgaon?
The Oberoi Gurgaon and The Westin Gurgaon, New Delhi are the most recommended by guests. More hotels in Gurgaon. Feel free to check resorts, aparthotels or villas.