Weather forecast and hotels in Cocoa, FL, United States
- Temperature:
High: +20°Low: +14°
Partly Sunny
Feels Like:+19°
Thursday27FebruaryPartly SunnyHigh:+26°Low:+14°
Friday28FebruaryPartly SunnyHigh:+22°Low:+13°
7-day weather forecast for Cocoa provides an up-to-date weather forecast for the next 7 days in any city in the world.
Interested in the weather in Cocoa for today?
Temperatures will reach a high near +20ºC and will dip through the evening to +14ºC.
Wind is expected to be from the east at 5.00 km/h for much of the day.
The atmospheric pressure is forecasted to be 1028 hPa with 48% of humidity, and 74% of cloudiness.
What is an up-to-date weather forecast for tomorrow in Cocoa?
Maximum temperature tomorrow near +23ºC and minimum temperature near +13ºC.
It’s forecasted 48% of humidity, followed with east winds.
It’s followed by 1023 hPa of atmospheric pressure and 0% cloud coverage.
Looking for a place to stay in Cocoa?
Apollo Inn - Cocoa rated 8.4 is a good choice for your stay. Find more hotels or motels in Cocoa.