Flume Gorge in Franconia

Flume Gorge

Flume Gorge is a natural attraction located in Franconia Notch State Park in New Hampshire. It is a beautiful two-mile long gorge with granite walls that tower up to 90 feet and a river that runs through it. Visitors can walk on a well-maintained boardwalk through the gorge and see beautiful waterfalls, pools, and other natural formations. The gorge was formed over 200 million years ago during the Ice Age, and today it is considered one of the most scenic natural attractions in the state of New Hampshire.

Aside from the beauty of the natural attraction, Flume Gorge offers visitors a chance to learn about the history of the area through interpretive signs and exhibits. The park also has other attractions and activities like hiking trails, a covered bridge, and a visitor center. It's a great destination for nature lovers and families looking to explore the outdoors. Visitors can also take advantage of the many photo opportunities available in the park and capture memories of their trip to the Flume Gorge.

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