Pearl Harbor National Memorial in Honolulu

Pearl Harbor National Monument

Pearl Harbor National Monument, located in Honolulu, Hawaii, is a powerful and sobering reminder of one of the most devastating attacks in American history. This landmark serves as a tribute to the thousands who lost their lives on December 7, 1941, when Japanese forces launched a surprise attack on the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor. Visitors to the monument can explore a variety of exhibits and displays that provide insight into the attack on Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. The USS Arizona Memorial is the most visited spot in the monument, and it is a solemn tribute to the 1,177 sailors and Marines who lost their lives on the USS Arizona during the attack. The memorial stands over the sunken battleship, and visitors can pay their respects to those who perished in the attack by tossing flower petals into the water.

Other noteworthy exhibits include the Pearl Harbor Visitor Center, which offers an overview of the events leading up to the attack and the aftermath. The Road to War exhibit provides a comprehensive analysis of the factors that led to World War II, while the Attack Gallery offers a detailed look at the events of December 7, 1941. Visitors can explore the exhibits on their own or join a guided tour, which offers a more in-depth look at the history of Pearl Harbor and the United States’ entry into the war. Guided tours are available throughout the day and can be booked in advance at the Pearl Harbor Visitor Center.

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